What makes a Colt

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

The Colt Cleartec is actually the newest design in a series of Mitsubishi cars that have been both chic and low cost for everybody since 1962.
Massive tombstone fuel-guzzling motors are fine and dandy when you're the king of some unknown wealthy country and can afford to tarmac an area the size of Luton for your own turning circle. But for decades the standard household living in a thriving city has been saving money whilst getting the highest quality possible by driving the latest style of Colt.
As Mitsubishi’s very first post-war passenger automobile, the Colt 600 made history when it was first manufactured in Okazaki, Japan in 1962. It was not long however until the renowned compact car touched down on European soil, with the Colt 1200 and Colt 1400 amazing drivers in the early 1980s. Before long everybody was queuing to be the first to take a Colt test drive.
By the mid eighties the world had joined the cult of the Colt, with both 3-door and 5-door designs developed, with a top engine capacity of 1800cc. The designs sold well in Europe, but they were extremely popular in Denmark, where they were among the country’s best selling cars.
Several versions of Colt have gone by diverse names around the world, such as the Dodge, Plymouth and the perfectly crazy Mirage Panther and Mirage Cyborg. Neither the Panther or Cyborg were built to be driven by any types of wild tiger or futuristic automaton, though debatably a futuristic robot might possibly drive one, though we can never know, because that would only take place in the future.
In the nineties cars ceased having all those well-defined angles and the corners became rounder in practically a real life precursor to web 2.0. The Colt remained in vogue and the fifth generation showcased a front wheel drive 1500 cc 8 valve SOHC caburettor engine in the base GL model, or a 1800 cc SOHC 8 valve EFI engine in the higher GLXi variant.
Currently the Colt Cleartec contains the most modern features ever seen in a Colt brochure and is still manufactured to the best standards on the production lines of Japan. Another classic in the making.

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